Meet the Creators

Aadi Sachan
Aadi Sachan
Chief Technical Engineer
Ashraf Hussain
Ashraf Hussain
Server Management Officer
Vraj Soni
Vraj Soni
Chief Marketing Officer
Ashraf Hussain
Shubhkarman Singh
R&D Head
Rahul Kalvani
Rahul Kalvani
Minecraft Department Manager
Rahul Kalvani
Tamoor Hassan
Public Support Head
Ashraf Hussain
Krish Modi
Content Creation Head

"We're Trying to Build Trust with Each other, We're not here to just get expand and Earn more and Try to increase our Revenue or To Get Just Get Maximum profits. We're here to Help you to grow and get your Best result. So We're Trying to give Best Service & Support to You, Which will help to get a Satisfactory Result in Your Life, That's What I Want."

Aadi Sachan

Aadi Sachan